Saturday, April 27, 2013

Day 30

4/27/13 by Vic

So it's been a while since I've updated y'all on whats going on. So here it is.

Trail Names:
"Comfy" : This name was given to Bo as this was the word he used to describe how he prefers to live. Now yellow blazing the trail (Yellow Blaze: hiking sections of the Appalachian Trail), Bo has become a great asset in the logistical aspect of our adventure. Before we get into a town for a resupply, he will befriend everyone in the community, set up a room for the night and most often do the research on transportation to and from the city. This has been working out great because he is spreading BackpackingAT's love and allows us to be very efficient with our time off the trail.

"Pundit" : This was the name given to me just as we crossed into the North Carolina, from Georgia. By definition, it's an expert in particular subject or field who is frequently called on to give opinions about it to the public. Thus when it comes to describing our BackpackingAT campaign, I usually speak for the group. This name also just happens to have the word "pun" in it. This is most noteworthy as I have been particularly quiet around the camp fires in the beginning in order to gauge what this hiking culture is all about. Well every now and then I would chime into a conversation, humoring anyone within earshot with a witty pun that currently relates to the conversation. After a while, people around the fire would say "The pundit strikes again" once a pun has been released. Good stuff.

Eric and Lauren: these two have evaded being given names for now. But don't you worry I have a feeling that should change here in the near future.

The Group: We are going strong and have found ourselves at different paces. As mentioned before Comfy, is usually one city ahead of us waiting for us to resupply, while slack packing throughout the day. I believe he plans to get some solid trail time in after the smokies as you have to pay $20 to stay overnight (1 week permit) and plus there is only 1 road, which makes logistics for him not so comfy. Eric and Lauren are about 1.5 days behind the bubble of people we are hiking with. However after being well rested I know they catch up in no time- it will be great to have them back. Me, we'll I am kinda taking advantages of both aspects. I hike fast and cover many miles in order to get to town early and rest up. This ratio of hiking/miles to rest has kept me with a pretty even pace with our hiking bubble. Keeping in mind there is no right or wrong pace to hike at, I am just referring to the bubble as the majority of the people we started with on our first day.

Hikers Midnight- this is usually 9pm. By this time it's completely dark out and everyone has moved to their tents

Nearo- the 24 hour virus that people have been getting in our current area. This entails in tense vomiting and diarrhea.

Fuck-me-stick - this is a smaller stick on the trails path that ends up getting kicked up high enough that it makes you trip over your own feet

Mustang - for males, pulling your shorts up to urinate

Bald - a mountain/hill top that has little to no vegetation other than grass.

Something I don't want to admit: while in Franklin NC, we got shuttled to a Walmart for a resupply after a days hike. Wearing the only clean clothes I had (leggings with shorts and a button down shirt) I was standing in the cereal isle deciding on what type of granola I was going to choose. Along comes a father and his teenage daughter walking down the isle and eventually passes me. Well after about 10 steps of passing me, they both look at each other cringe their faces and fan the air in front of their face. Yes I was a "people of Walmart". Sorry for being a dirty hiker.

Something I learned : don't have ropes hanging loosely from yourself or your backpack. They get caught on branches very easily and make you almost fall down the side of mountains.

Scary Moment: So I acquired this awesome large knife. However in the spirit of trying to cut down weight I sent it back home. Well later that day (after my little trail run) I loose my favorite little pocket knife. So now I am knife-less until I can pick up a knew one.

Audio Book: I had just finished "the adventures of Huckleberry Finn" and about to finish Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales. Let me tell you ... It weird learning That little red ridding hood was actually named little red cap. Plus I hope Disney payed these brothers lots of money because it is sooooo weird listening to the original versions of these stories.

Moment in Time Entry: At this point in time I am writing to you from a log cabin like bathroom in the parking lot of Clingmans dome. Its dry, chilly and smells urinal cakes. But he it could be worse. So this morning we woke up to the hard rain on the tin roof and the wind smacking the makeshift wall of our shelter against itself. Hearing this the other 5 people in the shelter where fairly determined to take a zero day in shelter. This was confirmed after they saw their breath in front of them once the sun was up high enough. I dress in all my layers and set out not really knowing what to expect, except rain, wind and 10ft of visibility. Of course the others in the cabin heed warning, but bull-headed and clinging to my youth and physical ability I set foot onto the trail. Needless to say I made it and I am glad I did!

Birthday: Wooo I'm physically 28, mentally 30, emotionally 22 and looking 24. Life is great. For my birthday, I preformed the "three S's" inside, used the Internet for 3 hours, washed my clothes in a machine, and cooked for 15+ people over a metal grill. I received a bed to sleep in from Bo, a mini pocket knife from "cat", cold beer from other hikers and red velvet piece of cake. To top of the day, I soaked in a hot mineral hot springs for an hour. Success. Thanks to all of you for your calls, texts, posts and thoughts from afar. Miss ya! XO

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