Who are we?

In the words of the Joker – Here we go…

Welcome to BackpackingAT (Backpacking the Appalachian Trail). What originally started off as a “hey do you know what would be cool…” conversation some 12 months ago, is now turning into reality.  However I must say the first steps for this adventure were set in place a looonnng time ago.  Here is my story…

Little did I know at the age of 13, I would begin practicing for my great adventures. In 1999 I got SCUBA certified and joined the Boy Scouts – these experiences allowed me to explore two very different worlds and provide the appetite to ingest all that can.

Fast forward to today, I have gone on numerous weekend camping trips with the Boyscout Troop 273, hiked along a couple small stretches of the Appalachian Trail with good friends, trekked across glaciers and mountains in Alaska and lived a minimalist’s life in Costa Rica while learning to live off the land.  This build-up of events is surely lead me to this upcoming journey.

Taking a step back, I am by no means an expert at anything (other than puns and making awkward jokes), especially when it comes to hiking. However the distinctive quality I have is being adaptable and willing to pursue what I love. So when people hear that I am going on this hike, they may think that this will be a very easy task, considering my background and an easy check off the bucket list. However, the longest stretch I have ever hiked was 50+ miles and the longest time spent camping was nine nights. All this is compared to the 2,184 miles and 150+ days I am about to experience.

The Hike
Since my most recent adventure HelpingTurtles in Costa Rica, I vowed to live a life of adventure and seek out all that Mother Earth has to provide. Along the way, I will do what I can to help her out and share my experiences in hopes that others will do the same! Thus I plan to blog, tweet, post, upload and demo our experience and learnings as we walk along the eastern coast.

With that said, this hike will be by no means be traditional. I will use technology. I will keep in constant contact with the outside world. I will bring things on this hike that are not necessary. I will take unnecessary risks. I will apply modern day methodology and question old world tactics. I will have fun.


Victor Maisano

Redondo Beach, CA

Other than the above – I like to think of myself as the catalyst. I get things started and let nature take its course. Why am I doing this? I am not trying to find myself, nor am looking to overcome some personal obstacle. I am hiking the Appalachian Trail simply because I can. Sure I want get closer with nature and explore all that the national parks have to offer, but that is just an added bonus. Perhaps it can be best explained as a marriage of Carpe Diem and FOMO.

Eric Dalcin
Redondo Beach, CA

The most vivid memories of my past have always been of the adventures and travels I have experienced. I was lucky to be raised in a family that placed a high value on exploring the culture, beauty and adventure this world has to offer. From a early age I was going on safari in Africa’s Serengeti and Maasai Mara game reserves, exploring the 2,500 mile length of South America’s mighty Amazon river and journeying into some of the most remote areas of the planet in Antarctica. I want to take a moment to thank my parents for sharing their love for travel, culture and adventure with me. With out these experiences I would not be the person I am today. In a way, they are somewhat responsible for all this - and I could not be happier.

The AT - this is the type of adventure I day dream about. Backpacking almost 2,200 miles and carrying everything you will need to live in the wilderness for 150+ days. Sounds like a good time, right?

Vic thought so. To a certain extent, that’s how this whole journey went from day dream to reality for me. Shortly after meeting Vic, I knew he shared the same sprit for adventure. I started to share some of my ridiculous fantasies and dreams of future adventures with him. The Appalachian Trial Thru Hike was one of these dreams. After I planted this seed the dream began to grow into something more. However, before it became a serious option for me - I needed to convince my girlfriend, Lauren, into thinking this was a good idea too. She shares the same passion for travel and adventure so this task was an easy one - she was instantly excited about it (that’s why I love you baby). As soon as Lauren was on board with the idea it was time for me to make ‘the decision’.
Leaving everything you know behind for almost 6 months is not entirely easy. It’s somewhat romantic to day dream about but much more difficult to actually do. I have a great job with a company I like (I do/did production management and product design for an awesome outdoor men’s wear company by the name of Dakota Grizzly). Many of my friends and most of my family live near by. This is home for me. I have a life here with responsibilities and bills to pay... I am not a wandering gypsy.

Still, don’t threaten me with a good time (Vic). To quote one of my favorite documentaries, “I’ll never get a chance like this one again. If I don’t get on that boat - I know exactly what Im going home to. If I do, my future is unwritten.” - Jeff Johnson, 180 Degrees South. It is essentially this
concept that ultimately pushed me to make my decision. I want to live a life filled with passion. I want to satisfy my curiosities and thirst for adventure and do so free from fear of the unknown. This perspective made a difficult decision easier for me and serves as a basic reminder to my priorities in life.

In the process of planning and preparing, I shared the idea of backpacking the AT with my good buddy and childhood friend Bo. I knew with his background of world travel and similar mindset that he would be interested - and sure enough, with precious little time remaining to plan and prepare himself, he quickly made the decision that he was going to do it as well - and I’m happy that he did. Now, I have the pleasure of enjoying this experience with two great friends and my amazing, beautiful girlfriend. I honestly feel very lucky to be in this position and I’m looking forward to anything and everything our journey on the AT has to offer.

Love, Eric 

Lauren Bopp

Redondo Beach, CA

Hi everyone! Our teams trek following the Appalachian Trail up from its birth to the tip top of its head is finally upon us and I could not be more wide-eyed, anxious and thrilled! I have been carried to this brand new starting point in my life by many factors. I’ve lived my life in awe of of our natural world and have always had one toe in this world, (office, comfy bedroom, restroom with actual working plumbing!) and one in the next. I have spent many years enjoying the juxtaposition between tackling a lengthy work day to later break out into the wild hills of our local hiking spots. Well, I have finally been inspired to stretch those few exhilarating hours to fill my days for the next few months.

I have always loved the story of the fisherman who lived his days as he dreamed using his masterful fishing skills to feed himself and his family. Once need and hunger were taken care of he was free to fill his days with music, love, family, friends and the beautiful coast. One day the fisherman was approached by a stranger from another world who was amazed by his capability and was astonished he didn’t parlay his talent into money and success. When the stranger was asked by the fisherman how success and money would change his life the stranger replied that after years of hard work and sacrifice the fisherman would finally be able to fill his days with music, love, family, friends and the beautiful coast. I say the fisherman really has it all figured out!

So when this opportunity presented itself to me, at first I was a bit weary but being let on this idea was a little like being exposed to a virus (a good virus!). It began to take over our little group and before I knew it we were REI’s best customers! Waking up every morning in a tent (to a bunch of guys!) may be a challenge, but every step that is taken, is a step towards our personal and collective growth and a step away from spending our days now to fulfill our futures later.

Bo Countryman
Redondo Beach, CA

I grew up loving the outdoors and living and adventurous life style, traveling often as a child to obscure destinations to experience life in a different way was normal in my family. Shark diving at the Great barrier reef at age 11, hiking machu picchu at 14, and circumnavigating the globe on a ship at 19.  Life is adventure that I have tried to live to the fullest by surrounding my self with like minded passionate people who are as interested in pushing them selves achieve great things as I am.  I studied abroad a few semesters of college, got a degree from the University of Southern California, and started my own entertainment company in LA before moving back to the travel world working as an activities coordinator and tour manager.
This hike was a perfect fit for my life long motto of "why not" My biggest fear is that I get to a point in life where I look back, and realize I never really lived. So before I set out to get my own travel company going its important for me to get another adventure under my belt and live life for amazing memories not material possessions.
Love,  Bo


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