Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day 19

By Lauren

Time hangs in the air like a hammock. It offers rest and rejuvenation OR a stuff sack in your pack and a good long climb to the next camp site. It is indifferent to your choices. You may add another 5 miles to your trek and reach the next shelter, or you may take that time and that hammock to stand still and take a 'Nearo Day'.. Let hedonism get the best of you. Granted, hedonism on the trail is what most enjoy daily where I'm from. A warm shower, a bed with pillows, the choice to NOT walking 15 miles today... And that choice is not an easy one to make when you are not used to being sweaty, filthy, hungry, and frankly sick and tired of walking all-day-long. Ive actually grown accustomed to sleeping-in in my tent (though sleeping-in on the trail is only around 8:30am) just to add more rest time to my day. Time, though.. Time is a tricky illusion. When hiking;  it seems to just hang there.. Like an endless hike, like an eternity of the decision made. When hiking there is no waiting for the next road, the next shelter, the next hill, the next tree even. Everything takes place in the moment. As tiring, sweaty, and filthy a moment it may be.. ;) it's still in the moment... and because of this I have noticed I am happiest on the trail where the satisfaction lies in sticking to plan, of moving forward. The time will move forward regardless. It's your choice what to do with it. 

In saying this I have still opted to finish the day in this lovely cabin that Bo has rented for us. LOL! Well you can't have the sweet without the sour, right?! In this case which is the sweet? The trail with all of its sweat, tears, yet fulfillment and beauty.. OR the warm and comfy cabin complete with a full kitchen and steamy shower? I suppose both our equally lovely and equally essential to our growth and contentment, at least in moderation. Is this even making sense? Hah!  Perhaps the trail is getting to me. Have I mentioned it's only been two weeks and three days? Oh dear.. Anyways.. On with my day. 

As I am writing a thru-hiker just passed me of name of Bubblehead (I THINK that was his name.. trail names are a little harder for me to remember than names that we've grown up with and are accustomed to learning). I covered my mouth as we said our hellos, as I was in the middle of consuming a hand full of dried fruit. He laughed and said, "Don't worry, there ain't no use for manners out here." Goodness, he's right. There happens to be about 10-15 men to every woman. I suppose that in the mind of a man this means that he can behave as if he is a sailor or in a fraternity or whatever all-men organizations that tend to bring out the BOY in the man. Suddenly there is no "excuse me" after burps, farts, really any disgusting habit that boys are actually weirdly proud of. Not only do they not say "excuse me" but they have little fart games and have found clever ways to actually ANNOUNCE the fact that they just did whatever gross thing they just did. Forgive me.. I did not grow up with brothers so I am learned a great deal (too much) now. Strangely when you throw a man out into the wilderness suddenly social norms seem to have all but entirely disappeared in this regard. Not that this specifically bothers me.. I just thought it weird enough to mention. Lol! The eating habits of most of these men has been one habit that HAS affected me negatively. Perhaps I shouldn't blame the guys. It should not be there concern how their choices are effecting my diet.. Certainly not! It is actually my poor will power and to be fair, there simply is not many healthy options for health conscious individuals on the trail. At the very most you may find an apple and banana in the local general store. Other than that the healthiest option I found today while purchasing food for the next three days on the trail was V-8 juice and strawberry flavored pop-tarts. Eric, however, had no problem finding a frozen pizza and cheerwine (similar to cherry coke) for dinner in the cabin tonight. It's true that we need to keep our calorie intake incredibly high, as we are burning an ungodly number of calories per day.. And pizza and soda really does sound AMAZING after trekking up 17 miles (okay-we happened to slack-pack today- which means hiking without our full packs) but still.. 17 miles is 17 miles no matter which way you slice it. Even with the poor diet I am losing weight like crazy. I have not seen my tummy this small since I was 15 years old and my clothes seem to be hanging on me. I realize this could just be my active imagination since its been a mere 2 1/2 weeks on the trail.. But I notice a difference in Eric as well. So I suppose.. Bring on the pizza?? ...but I must be conscious of finding healthy options as well.. Perhaps order food from an outside source? Still debating. I've never felt better than when I was drinking fresh vegetable juice very morning. I wish there was a way to make that happen. 

Oh dear.. I smell pizza! :D

-Memorable creature sightings from the last couple of days: 6-foot dark snake (didn't look dangerous), chipmunk eating a nut, 4-5 squirrels, 2 lizards, MANY prehistoric size insects and bees

1 comment:

  1. Reading this was so amazing!! My sister, you will be glad to know I am reading this post of yours over a glass of wine... while feeling SO proud of you! To tell you I love these posts is an understatement, this made my night! I love and miss you so much! <3 penguin
