Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Meet & Greet: Lauren

Hi everyone! Our teams trek following the Appalachian Trail up from its birth to the tip top of its head is finally upon us and I could not be more wide-eyed, anxious and thrilled! I have been carried to this brand new starting point in my life by many factors. I’ve lived my life in awe of of our natural world and have always had one toe in this world, (office, comfy bedroom, restroom with actual working plumbing!) and one in the next. I have spent many years enjoying the juxtaposition between tackling a lengthy work day to later break out into the wild hills of our local hiking spots. Well, I have finally been inspired to stretch those few exhilarating hours to fill my days for the next few months.

I have always loved the story of the fisherman who lived his days as he dreamed using his masterful fishing skills to feed himself and his family. Once need and hunger were taken care of he was free to fill his days with music, love, family, friends and the beautiful coast. One day the fisherman was approached by a stranger from another world who was amazed by his capability and was astonished he didn’t parlay his talent into money and success. When the stranger was asked by the fisherman how success and money would change his life the stranger replied that after years of hard work and sacrifice the fisherman would finally be able to fill his days with music, love, family, friends and the beautiful coast. I say the fisherman really has it all figured out!

So when this opportunity presented itself to me, at first I was a bit weary but being let on this idea was a little like being exposed to a virus (a good virus!). It began to take over our little group and before I knew it we were REI’s best customers! Waking up every morning in a tent (to a bunch of guys!) may be a challenge, but every step that is taken, is a step towards our personal and collective growth and a step away from spending our days now to fulfill our futures later.

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