Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 90 - Changes, Updates & Reflections


Instead of looking back on the last 1000+ miles, I am taking a different perspective. I am looking down. Remembering an early picture I took from the begging of this hike,  I look at my shoes, feet and all the other surrounding characteristics and detail from the picture . In the picture you can see me shorts, legs, socks, shoes, trekking poles and the trail.

Now when compared to my recent photo I took today, you see many of the same objects. However if you look closer you the differences in details tell a story all by themselves. Legs: thick and more muscular. I didn't think it was possible. Socks: little did I know that I wore my socks inside out for the first couple of weeks. Gators: Dirty Girls is the name brand and keeping dirt out is the plan. Who would have thought that you kick up so much dirt inside your own shoe! Shoes: yes they are different. My last pair just "blew out"from walking so much and grappling rocks. I just hope the wears in process of these new shoes don't kill my feet. Trekking Poles: the bottom halves have been replaced  (due to a trail running incident) and are now adorned with Ken and Barbie decapitated heads. Trail: sure it looks the same but you notice many of the old leaves are now in smaller pieces and there is a couple greenish brown newer leaves scattered about .

So what does this mean? Well I see it as just a state of progression, like most things in life. You obviously learn from your simple mistakes (socks). You see growth in your strengths (legs). You replace the limiting factors of your success (shoes). You repair things you damage along the way (poles). You update your tools to protect yourself (gators). You display knick-knacks to keep memories and promote conversation (heads).You witness seasons change (leaves). Ohhh yeah you also learn to double knot your shoes! 

P.s. all of ththis was written from my Verizon Wireless phone... god bless the speech to text feature!

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