Friday, February 8, 2013

Meet & Greet: Vic & Crew

In the words of the Joker – Here we go…

Welcome to BackpackingAT (Backpacking the Appalachian Trail). What originally started off as a “hey do you know what would be cool…” conversation some 12 months ago, is now turning into reality.  However I must say the first steps for this adventure were set in place a looonnng time ago.  Here is my story…

Little did I know at the age of 13, I would begin practicing for my great adventures. In 1999 I got SCUBA certified and joined the Boy Scouts – these experiences allowed me to explore two very different worlds and provide the appetite to ingest all that can.

Fast forward to today, I have gone on numerous weekend camping trips with the Boyscout Troop 273, hiked along a couple small stretches of the Appalachian Trail with good friends, trekked across glaciers and mountains in Alaska and lived a minimalist’s life in Costa Rica while learning to live off the land.  This build-up of events is surely lead me to this upcoming journey.

Taking a step back, I am by no means an expert at anything (other than puns and making awkward jokes), especially when it comes to hiking. However the distinctive quality I have is being adaptable and willing to pursue what I love. So when people hear that I am going on this hike, they may think that this will be a very easy task, considering my background and an easy check off the bucket list. However, the longest stretch I have ever hiked was 50+ miles and the longest time spent camping was nine nights. All this is compared to the 2,184 miles and 150+ days I am about to experience.

The Hike
Since my most recent adventure HelpingTurtles in Costa Rica, I vowed to live a life of adventure and seek out all that Mother Earth has to provide. Along the way, I will do what I can to help her out and share my experiences in hopes that others will do the same! Thus I plan to blog, tweet, post, upload and demo our experience and learnings as we walk along the eastern coast.

With that said, this hike will be by no means be traditional. I will use technology. I will keep in constant contact with the outside world. I will bring things on this hike that are not necessary. I will take unnecessary risks. I will apply modern day methodology and question old world tactics. I will have fun.

The Hikers
Victor (me): Other than the above – I like to think of myself as the catalyst. I get things started and let nature take its course. Why am I doing this? I am not trying to find myself, nor am looking to overcome some personal obstacle. I am hiking the Appalachian Trail simply because I can. Sure I want get closer with nature and explore all that the national parks have to offer, but that is just an added bonus. Perhaps it can be best explained as a marriage of Carpe Diem and FOMO.

Eric: I met him though my best friend of a friend’s girlfriend’s friend's boyfriend. Instantly I had a man crush on this guy once he began talking about his spear fishing experience in the Pacific and knowledge of the outdoor world as he works within the outdoors industry. This laid back, introvert is very knowledgeable on gear and has lots of fun toys (motor cycle, high-tec camping gear, inflatable boats, expensive cameras, etc). His passion for seeking adventure and enjoying the outdoors mirrors my own. This is one of the biggest reasons why we will make a great team.

Lauren: She is the very beautiful girlfriend and better half of Eric. Never found without a smile on her face, she is very outgoing and a social butterfly within in her circles. An experienced weekend warrior hiker, she will certainly bring a fresh attitude to the group and provide a nice change of pace to the “man” mentality on the trail.

 Bo: The latest add on to the group. Childhood friends with Eric and well traveled individual, he joins us on the hike with a purpose – I will let him fill you in on this. Strong willed, he is excited and very grateful to have this opportunity come across his path. Other than that, I don’t know too much about him, but that will all change when your spending every moment walking along side each other for 5 months.

This is a very interesting and collective group of people traveling together. Each one of us will be sharing our experiences via the various social media outlets under the BackpackingAT name (duh).  There is no doubt we will experience drama, hardships and injury as that is what happens in life, regardless of what your doing. However we can only hope to acknowledge and resolve these issues as they occur.

On the other hand, there will be personal triumphs, gained respect and group accomplishments that will happen every day. Both of these are the types of things we will be sharing from each of our own perspectives on a daily routine. I like to think of it as a true reality show.

Well that is the start of it… I am sure at times we will be brief or detailed in length. Thanks in advance for following along a supporting our initiatives. We hope you find this both entertaining and information as we do our thang on the trail.

Respect the adventure
Love, Vic